By Samantha Yardley

Maintain your gains in lockdown with this sweat-anywhere full body annihilator, courtesy of the super svelte fitness model, Jill Bunny.

Grab a kettlebell and a pair of dumbbells (or substitute for anything heavy, water bottles or tin cans work fine) and target every major muscle group. Guaranteed to torch the calories!


Kettlebell Sumo Squat

Complete 3 rounds of 10, 15 and then 20 squats, with a 60 second rest in between.

Mountain Climbers

Complete 3 rounds of 20, 40 and then 60 seconds, with a 60 second rest in between.


Dumbell Push-up Straight Into Shoulderpress

Complete 3 rounds of 10, 15 and then 20 squats, with a 60 second rest in between.


Squat Jumps

Complete 3 rounds of 20, 40 and then 60 seconds, with a 60 second rest in between.


Jill Bunny is the CEO of CBT Meets Fitness, functional nutritionist, health coach and speaker advocating total body health to women around the globe. She is the highest ranked IFBB bikini competitor (with 2 Arnold & Olympian titles) in the world and internationally renowned cover model and MS and cancer fighter.


Photography: James Patrick Photography


To find out why you should “skip” your workout, check out Lauren Jumps.

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